
iPhone上的小遊戲:Wing Era: The Golden Flight

Wing Era是鳥毅的朋友開發的一款小遊戲,這次改版大放送回饋本部落格讀者,特別情商作者提供五組Promotion Code,此處輸入Promotion Code教學


Wing Era: The Golden Flight, 是一款新感覺的飛行控制遊戲, 只要運用手指畫出飛行的路徑就可以控制一個機隊的雙翼螺旋槳飛機, 注意保持不和其他的飛機互撞, 還有上空一些不明的飛行物, 除此之外, 不只是飛行控制, 你還需要注意飛機的油料, 適時降落進場加油再起飛, 發揮你的手指功力, 取得更多的星星創造高分吧.

支援多點觸控(Multi-Touch), 可同時控制不同飛機, ipad多人玩也很有趣.
依據喜好可調整飛機數量, 控制難度, 小朋友也可以玩.
每一關都各具特色, 不同的地形障礙.


  1. 鄉間小路的機場.
  2. 熱帶火山島的海底隧道.
  3. 金字塔的漂浮石.
  4. 油田: 燃油危機.
  5. 北極海的冰晶.


Wing Era : The Golden Flight



Get ready to Take off !!
Wing Era: The Golden Flight is a line-drawing control game with more elements of fun. Just touch and draw a path, and you can control your propeller aircraft fleet to Fly, Take off, Landing, Obtain Bonus Items, Dodge Colliding with other Aircrafts, and etc. However, not only the flight control, but also the fuel and shields of aircrafts need to be noticed. There are also some useful bonus items to help you playing this game. Keep your fleet on the sky, and gather more stars to gain higher score records !


  • Easy Line-Drawing control.
  • With the Multi-Touch capability, you may control multiple airplanes at the same time. It’s feasible to cooperate with friends on a single device.
  • Several difficulty settings are suitable for all ages by adjusting the amount of your airplanes.
  • Various Bonus items that are useful would help the game playing. 
  • There are some barriers or aircrafts appearing like UFO, Airship, Meteor that you can’t control.
  • Each stage contains its own characteristic. 

What's New In Version 1.1:

*Add two new stages: Stage 4: Oilfield: The Fuel Is Critical! and Stage 5: Arctic Ocean with Ice Crystals.
*Add fast-forward button (Press button being 2x faster forward and release back to normal).
Stage Info (Ver. 1.1):

  • Stage 1: Country Road with the Runway.
  • Stage 2: Tropical Island with Underwater Tunnel Express.
  • Stage 3: Pyramid Desert with Floating Stones.
  • Stage 4 (New): Oilfield: The Fuel Is Critical!
  • Stage 5 (New): Arctic Ocean with Ice Crystals.

Download Link:

or search "Wing era" in iPhone App Store.


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