

雖然用UNetbootin 在各種平台都可利用開機iso/Disk image做出可開機USB,但因為它獨特的boot loader,FreeBSD或某些Linux Distribution會有問題。

以往FreeBSD的安裝媒體只有出ISO image,現在已經有memstick.img可選擇,例如:FreeBSD-8.2-RELEASE-i386-memstick.img。以前的方法(thinker)真的太麻煩了 :(

Writing the Image with dd(1)
Set the kern.geom.debugflags sysctl to be able to write a master boot record to the target device.
$ sudo sysctl kern.geom.debugflags=16
The .img file is not a regular file you copy to the memory stick. It is an image of the complete contents of the disk. This means that you cannot simply copy files from one disk to another. Instead, you must use dd(1) to write the image directly to the disk: (這裏假設USB是 /dev/sdc)
$ sudo dd if=FreeBSD-8.2-RELEASE-i386-memstick.img of=/dev/sdc bs=64k
手冊上沒寫,要先umount USB device,e.g.:
$ sudo umount /dev/sdc

$ sudo umount /dev/sdc
$ sudo dd if=FreeBSD-8.2-RELEASE-i386-memstick.img of=/dev/sdc bs=64k
Mac稍微麻煩一點,因為磁碟工具程式似乎不支援不認得的File System:
$ sudo mount
若己經有檔案系統,可先別急著在Finder上按退出,因為會連device都退出 (這裏假設是 /dev/disk1)
$ sudo diskutil umount /dev/disk1
$ sudo diskutil umount [你USB碟的Label名稱]
$ sudo dd if=FreeBSD-8.2-RELEASE-i386-memstick.img of=/dev/disk1 bs=64k

若是Windows可以利用 Image Writer for Windows

  1. Obtaining Image Writer for Windows
    Image Writer for Windows is a free application that can correctly write an image file to a memory stick. Download it from https://launchpad.net/win32-image-writer/ and extract it into a folder.
  2. Writing The Image with Image Writer
    Double-click the Win32DiskImager icon to start the program. Verify that the drive letter shown underDevice is the drive with the memory stick. Click the folder icon and select the image to be written to the memory stick. Click Save to accept the image file name. Verify that everything is correct, and that no folders on the memory stick are open in other windows. Finally, click Write to write the image file to the drive.



DBeaver 介面語言


如何將較高版本SQL Server複製到低版本SQL Server (降級為舊版)並保留權限及資料庫圖表

一般若是要將SQL Server裡的Database轉往其他Server時,最簡單的方式就是備份(Backup)後再還原(Restore),或者是䣃離(detach)後附加(attach)。 但是很不幸地,若是由較低版本(e.g. 2008)到較高版本(e.g. 2012)要怎麼辦呢?


鳥毅用的是第一代的自然人憑證讀卡機,EZ100PU(後來有同事買EZmini可以讀SIM卡似乎更好),每年報稅時用一次。 本來只是要申請些政府業務,一時之間找不到光碟,沒想到在 驅動程式下載 居然看到Linux和Mac的驅動程式,剩下的就是政府單位的網頁和程式應該改版了吧!!!