I have a small vSphere environment, the NAS has 4 NIC ports, 3 ESXi client direct connect to NAS without switch/hub by different IPs. vCenter thake them as different NFS datastore, because of different UUIDs. A UUID mismatch between two datastores occurs because the UUID is based on a hash of the NFS Server and Path, as seen by running esxcfg-nas. If you have specified the NFS server information using different methods on different hosts, then the hash value, and ultimately the UUIDs will be different. 我有一個小型的vSphere環境,其中1座4埠網路NAS和3台ESXi使用不同網段IP直接連接到NAS。但是vCenter認為它們是不同的NFS datastore,因為產生的hash和UUID不同,詳見 VMware KB1005930 。