以下摘自 http://www.jera.com/techinfo/xpfaq.html The 12 core practices of XP are: 1. The Planning Game: Business and development cooperate to produce the maximum business value as rapidly as possible. The planning game happens at various scales, but the basic rules are always the same: 1. Business comes up with a list of desired features for the system. Each feature is written out as a User Story, which gives the feature a name, and describes in broad strokes what is required. User stories are typically written on 4x6 cards. 2. Development estimates how much effort each story will take, and how much effort the team can produce in a given time interval (the iteration). 3. Business then decides which stories to implement in what order, as well as when and how often to produce a production releases of the system. 2. Small Releases: Start with the smallest useful feature set. Release early and often, adding a few features each time. 3. System Metaphor: Each