Subversion應該沒有支援Dual Repository的機制,由於平時偷懶把自己寫的幾支程式都放在同一個Repository,需要分享時就很麻煩。原本想利用Apache的虛擬目錄 Alias 的方式達成,但目前看來不可行;再使用mod_proxy的方式也有權限問題,無法達成目標。 所以我利用 Subversion 1.3版開始非正式支援 的 SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK 變數,就可以在同一個目錄下有兩個不同的Repository。 The " _svn " hack is now officially supported : since some versions of ASP.NET don't allow directories beginning with dot (e.g., ".svn", the standard Subversion working copy administrative directory), the svn command line client and svnversion now treat the environment variable SVN_ASP_DOT_NET_HACK specially on Windows. If this variable is set (to any value), they will use "_svn" instead of ".svn". We recommend that all Subversion clients running on Windows take advantage of this behaviour. Note that once the environment variable is set, working copies with standard ".svn" directories will stop working, and will need to be re-checked-out to get "_svn" instead. 雖然麻煩一點,但就是在命令列切換: C:\MyAp>set S