
Sunsetting Mercurial support in Bitbucket

今天收到Bitbucket的通知要停止支援Mercurial,我在多年前Google Code還不支援Git時就提過,經過仔細比較,Git全面支援UTF-8後怎麼看都是未來的標準,在各方面都無懈可擊;Mercurial與Git相較有明顯的效能差異,會被淘汰只是遲早的問題。
After much consideration, we've decided to remove Mercurial support from Bitbucket Cloud and the API. Mercurial features and repositories will be officially removed from Bitbucket and its API on June 1, 2020.
What used to be a very fragmented version control software market has rapidly matured. Mercurial usage on Bitbucket is steadily declining, and the percentage of new Bitbucket users choosing Mercurial has fallen to less than 1%. At the same time, Git has become the standard. According to a Stack Overflow Developer Survey, almost 90% of developers use Git, while Mercurial is the least popular version control system with only about 3% developer adoption.
Given that Git has emerged as the version control system of choice for the industry, we have decided to focus our priorities and roadmap on building the best possible experience for the market and our users.
Read on to learn more about what led to this decision, timeline, and migration resource support.




鳥毅用的是第一代的自然人憑證讀卡機,EZ100PU(後來有同事買EZmini可以讀SIM卡似乎更好),每年報稅時用一次。 本來只是要申請些政府業務,一時之間找不到光碟,沒想到在 驅動程式下載 居然看到Linux和Mac的驅動程式,剩下的就是政府單位的網頁和程式應該改版了吧!!!

DBeaver 介面語言


如何將較高版本SQL Server複製到低版本SQL Server (降級為舊版)並保留權限及資料庫圖表

一般若是要將SQL Server裡的Database轉往其他Server時,最簡單的方式就是備份(Backup)後再還原(Restore),或者是䣃離(detach)後附加(attach)。 但是很不幸地,若是由較低版本(e.g. 2008)到較高版本(e.g. 2012)要怎麼辦呢?