看到 D-Link DIR-300分享(DD-WRT改機篇) 獲得如此高的效能,激起我更新手邊舊型的WBR-G54念頭。
I saw D-Link DIR-300分享(DD-WRT改機篇) obtained very good performance, inspired me to install third party's firmware on my old WBR-G54.
Some people say that dd-wrt is not as stable asTomato, although Tomato only supports Broadcom chip based wireless access point, WBR-G54 is one of the supported model.
會有朋友問為什麼好好的原廠韌體不用,要用別人開發的呢?用Open Source的韌體好處是:
Update:昨天一台電腦在玩On Line Game時,被我下載Windows Update影響會Lag。馬上打開QoS,在網路不中斷的狀況下,恢復穩定狀態!所以Corega CG-BARPS被我收到盒子裏了 XD
I saw D-Link DIR-300分享(DD-WRT改機篇) obtained very good performance, inspired me to install third party's firmware on my old WBR-G54.
Some people say that dd-wrt is not as stable asTomato, although Tomato only supports Broadcom chip based wireless access point, WBR-G54 is one of the supported model.
會有朋友問為什麼好好的原廠韌體不用,要用別人開發的呢?用Open Source的韌體好處是:
- 效率高:我原本用ADSL 2M時在家裏並沒有BT,所以也相安無事,但升速到4M以上在流量高時就開始不穩。所以後來又去買Corega CG-BARPS做為NAT分享器。Tomato有QoS功能,多人使用時更穩定。
- 新功能:內建流量顯示的低階無線基地台或頻寬分享器非常少,dd-wrt與Tomato都有。WBR-G54最早只支援WEP,後來新版的韌體支援WPA,但一直沒有支援WPA2,用Tomato就直接可用WPA2,雖然是自爽還是很高興。還有ssh server,雖然我沒有預設開啟,但若要做些變態的事情需要下指令時很方便。
Some people may ask why not use the original firmware? The reasons are:
如何刷韌體的細節可以參考無線IP分享器之Tomato Firmware,原本我用他的方法更新,試了四次都失敗。後來就算了,直接拿出封存已久的堅若磐石 Notebook,在WinXP下用Tomato 1.27裏附的whr_install.bat,試了兩次就成功,更新成功後會自動重開電源,只要把電腦的IP設為DHCP或192.168.1.x即可連上192.168.1.1設定。
- 韌體版本一定要對,WBR-G54沒有特別聲明的就是用tomato.trx。
- 重開機時可以刷韌體的時間很短,用bat檔重試才方便,因為OSX的指令不同,所以找台Windows比較方便。
- You must use the RIGHT fimware. WBR-G54 uses standard firmware "tomato.trx".
- For your convient, get a Windows computer and use the "whr_install.bat" in Tomato_1_27.7z to install firmware.
Update:昨天一台電腦在玩On Line Game時,被我下載Windows Update影響會Lag。馬上打開QoS,在網路不中斷的狀況下,恢復穩定狀態!所以Corega CG-BARPS被我收到盒子裏了 XD