廢話就不多說了,這次改寫Lisp版本的求組合列表,由於太久沒寫,著實吃了不少苦頭。由於Lisp版本眾,我本來想用Emacs開發,可是我把Emacs的hotkey全忘光了,只記得c-x c-e,後來就改用GNU CLisp(GCL),以Homebrew安裝的2.49版為主。以下是如之前效果的程式碼,看起來不太像Lisp,我寫得太不優雅了,只能盡可能寫的清楚。
(defun addlist(newList) (setq result (append result (list (reverse newlist)))) ) (defun calc(before all want) (cond ((= want 0) (setq rest (loop for i from 1 to all append (list 0))) (addlist (append before rest))) ((= all want) (setq left (- all want)) (setq rest (loop for x from 1 to all append (list 1))) (addlist (append before rest))) ((= all 1) (addlist (append before (list want)))) (t (calc (append before (list 0)) (- all 1) want) (calc (append before (list 1)) (- all 1) (- want 1))) ) ) (defun combinations (all want) (setq result (list)) (setq lst (list) ) (calc lst all want) ) (combinations 3 2) (print result)
(defun addlist(newList) (setq result (append result (list (reverse newlist)))) ) (defun combinations (all want ) (setq result (list)) (setq lst (loop for x from 1 to all append (list x))) (labels ((calc (l c want) (when (>= (length l) want) (if (zerop want) (return-from calc (addlist c))) (calc (cdr l) c want) (calc (cdr l) (cons (first l) c) (1- want))))) (calc lst nil want)) (setq result (reverse result)) ) (combinations 3 2) (print result)