先參考A simple TIFF management class,用他的TiffManager在JoinTiffImages這個method結合tiff檔時出現 "無效參數" (或Invalid Parameter )的錯誤訊息,是在 Image.SaveAdd 裏的 EncoderParameters 出錯。
查MSDN討論區有人問但都沒有解,最後查到Save images into a multi-page TIFF file or add images to an existing TIFF file,這位bijulsoni老大說:
另外在轉檔的過程中,遇到記憶體不足。是因為Image物件的記憶體不會自動釋放,原因我不知 :P 我在不使用物件後加上 Bitmap.Dispose()就搞定。
Creating a Watermarked Photograph with GDI+ for .NET
Watermark Maker Source: Watermark Project
GDI+雖然方便,但陷阱不少,使用時要小心。另一點是GDI+效率不高,中小企業內部用還不錯,若放在online高流量web或是寫影像處理軟體,還是用3rd party的API 吧!
本來要把意見貼到Code Project原篇,結果出現以下錯誤:(asp... 唉)
先參考A simple TIFF management class,用他的TiffManager在JoinTiffImages這個method結合tiff檔時出現 "無效參數" (或Invalid Parameter )的錯誤訊息,是在 Image.SaveAdd 裏的 EncoderParameters 出錯。
查MSDN討論區有人問但都沒有解,最後查到Save images into a multi-page TIFF file or add images to an existing TIFF file,這位bijulsoni老大說:
The most probable reason for this error is that the image on which you are trying to apply CCITT4 compression is not a bi-tonal image. The CCITT4 compression is applicable to bi-tonal images only. So I have given code for converting an image to a bi-tonal image. The code given in the sample application uses .NET GDI+ classes for storing images.用人話說:Tiff的CCITT4 壓縮只能用在雙色影像檔(就是黑白啦),所以必須用bijulsoni寫的method轉成雙色。由於鳥毅還得做浮水印,所以只好用LZW壓成灰階(大約3~5倍大)
另外在轉檔的過程中,遇到記憶體不足。是因為Image物件的記憶體不會自動釋放,原因我不知 :P 我在不使用物件後加上 Bitmap.Dispose()就搞定。
public void JoinTiffImages (string[] imageFiles, string outFile, EncoderValue compressEncoder) { //If only one page in the collection, copy it directly to the target file. if (imageFiles.Length == 1) { File.Copy (imageFiles [0], outFile, true); return; } //use the save encoder Encoder enc = Encoder.SaveFlag; EncoderParameters ep = new EncoderParameters (2); ep.Param [0] = new EncoderParameter (enc, (long)EncoderValue.MultiFrame); ep.Param [1] = new EncoderParameter (Encoder.Compression, (long)compressEncoder); Bitmap bitmaps = null; int frame = 0; ImageCodecInfo info = GetEncoderInfo ("image/tiff"); foreach (string strImageFile in imageFiles) { if (frame == 0) { bitmaps = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile (strImageFile); bitmaps.Save (outFile, info, ep); } else { //save the intermediate frames ep.Param [0] = new EncoderParameter (enc, (long)EncoderValue.FrameDimensionPage); Bitmap bm = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile (strImageFile); bitmaps.SaveAdd (bm, ep); bm.Dispose (); } if (frame == imageFiles.Length - 1) { //flush and close. ep.Param [0] = new EncoderParameter (enc, (long)EncoderValue.Flush); bitmaps.SaveAdd (ep); } frame++; } bitmaps.Dispose (); return; }浮水印是參下以下兩篇:
Creating a Watermarked Photograph with GDI+ for .NET
Watermark Maker Source: Watermark Project
convert xx.tif xx.pdf結論:
GDI+雖然方便,但陷阱不少,使用時要小心。另一點是GDI+效率不高,中小企業內部用還不錯,若放在online高流量web或是寫影像處理軟體,還是用3rd party的API 吧!
本來要把意見貼到Code Project原篇,結果出現以下錯誤:(asp... 唉)