I installed XenServer last year (2011/07), because it is fast and free. Before that, I had tried Hyper-V 2.0 Server,it's slower than XenServer. Last month, I wanted to add a FreeBSD vm and got bad experience. Another problem, it is very hard to modify vm setting on XenServer. My boss asked me to do server 100% virtualized, I had to search better solution. After googling a few hours, I decided to move to VMWare vSphere. Why? Because I need FreeBSD vm tools installed to get more control, besides I found VMWare Essentials Plus Kits ,it's not as expensive as I thought. Then I installed a test vm server, it's amazing! ESXi 5 Server gave me a whole new experience. It's fast and powerful, with so many APIs and 3rd party tools. Now, I got very good vm hosts, a stable and fast environment. Thanks VMWare, I can work easier. 去年評估虛擬化Server後採用XenServer,使用一年也沒有什麼大事,但是支援的作業系統太少始終是個遺憾。會採用XenServer而不用Hyper-V 2.0除了Hyper-V的Linux支援度差外,另一個重要原因是效能不夠好。 主管和我說要讓伺服器100%虛擬化,包括我目前使用...