每次登入FreeBSD都會出現 fortune 訊息,以前有系統潔癖的我會去想辦法不顯示,後來就懶得理它。
You can get a good generic server install by using the
instant-server port/package. If you have ports installed, you can
install it by doing
# cd /usr/ports/misc/instant-server
# make install && make clean
as root. This will install a collection of packages that is appropriate for
running a "generic" server.
其實之前已經看過,但覺得instant server是很方便的設計,適合沒經驗的入門者。另外還有instant workstation,想安裝Desktop就方便多啦。
You can get a good generic server install by using the
instant-server port/package. If you have ports installed, you can
install it by doing
# cd /usr/ports/misc/instant-server
# make install && make clean
as root. This will install a collection of packages that is appropriate for
running a "generic" server.
其實之前已經看過,但覺得instant server是很方便的設計,適合沒經驗的入門者。另外還有instant workstation,想安裝Desktop就方便多啦。