

這次是前微軟員工約耳老大說:Even the Office 2007 box has a learning curve
I've tested Office 2007 extensively, and find it a tolerable replacement for the previous version, although it's extremely frustrating every time I have to spend several minutes finding something that I knew exactly how to find in the previous version. Even though there's no reason to upgrade to Office 2007, if you're setting up a new system, it's just as good as the previous version, even a little better in some places. But Vista is another story.
Whenever anyone asks, my advice is to stay with Windows XP.
剛好在下今天試了一下Office 2007測試版中的word,不知道是不是沒裝對應的字型,居然又發生頁面長度不一致的現象。而且我居然完全找不到menu的位置,約耳真是有耐心的人。我最受不了的是硬體需求提高許多,比起Office 2003速度實在差太多了,我個人不想用。至於Vista,我想等到明年出的CPU可能會夠快吧。




鳥毅用的是第一代的自然人憑證讀卡機,EZ100PU(後來有同事買EZmini可以讀SIM卡似乎更好),每年報稅時用一次。 本來只是要申請些政府業務,一時之間找不到光碟,沒想到在 驅動程式下載 居然看到Linux和Mac的驅動程式,剩下的就是政府單位的網頁和程式應該改版了吧!!!

DBeaver 介面語言


如何將較高版本SQL Server複製到低版本SQL Server (降級為舊版)並保留權限及資料庫圖表

一般若是要將SQL Server裡的Database轉往其他Server時,最簡單的方式就是備份(Backup)後再還原(Restore),或者是䣃離(detach)後附加(attach)。 但是很不幸地,若是由較低版本(e.g. 2008)到較高版本(e.g. 2012)要怎麼辦呢?